San Francisco Divorce

Useful Links

Useful Links To Legal/Divorce Resources

Bay Area Legal Aid:

Bay Area Legal Aid can provide a free lawyer/legal help with Divorce/Family Law cases for “domestic violence survivors.” Areas they work in included Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs), Divorce, legal separation or annulments (nullity of marriage) , Child or spousal support, Custody and visitation orders, and domestic violence.

Here are the links to their offices:
Alameda County,
Contra Costa County,
Marin County,
Napa County,
San Francisco,
San Mateo County,
Santa Clara,

Family & Children’s Law Center:
Can provide discounted divorce/family law/domestic violence attorneys in Marin.

Find Law:
(Anyone can use findlaw for free. With findlaw, you can access California divorce/family law case law and statutory law. In addition, you can find a San Francisco Bay Area Divorce/Family Law attorney on this website.

San Francisco Courts:

San Francisco Family Law Facilitator/Family Law Self Help Center/ The Office of the Family Law Facilitator:
A Family Law Facilitator is an attorney who works for the government and who provides free legal help to people for preparing Family Law/Divorce/Domestic Violence paperwork.

Bar Association of San Francisco:

Bar Association of San Francisco’s Volunteer Legal Services Program:
(They offer free attorneys in Family Law/Divorce/Domestic Violence cases in San Francisco

DNA Testing:
DNA Mobile Test They offer mobile DNA testing for paternity. If you are involved in the divorce/dissolution of marriage/paternity case in the San Francisco Bay Area, and there is any doubts to paternity, it is a good idea to get a test.

Marin Superior Court Family Law Tentative Rulings:
If you have a Divorce/Paternity/ Spousal and or child Support/Attorney’s Fees motion in Marin, they use a tentative ruling system where the court posts the “tentative ruling” the court day before your hearing. If you want to argue the ruling, you must quickly notify the other side and the court, or you get stuck with the tentative ruling and it becomes the order of the court.

State Bar of California Member Records Check
(A good place to look at an a divorce attorney’s background in terms of where they went to school, how long they have been practicing, and whether the attorney has gotten into trouble with the State Bar)

California State On-line Guideline Child support calculator:

Darknet markets reviews and links:
Helps families through research deepweb

Child Support Enforcement administers a variety of programs to assist families in obtaining financial and medical support for children by locating parents, establishing paternity and support obligations, and enforcing those obligations:

Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement provides a Federal Parent Locator Service to support the location of participants in child support cases, collection of child support payments, and enforcement of child support orders:

California State Bar you can get pamphlets on divorce, custody and domestic violence:

California Department of Child Support Services:
Offers free legal help/attorney for parents with court-ordered child support and medical coverage issues:

Free legal help/attorney in Sonoma:

Department of Child Support Services in Sonoma:

Sonoma Court Family Law Division:

San Diego Area Divorce & Family Law Attorney